
Increased demand for pirated content has resulted in loss of revenue of over $ 100 billion for companies in the TV, music, software, gaming and film industries thanks to easy access to P2P networks and the growing popularity of broadcast services. As the online piracy environment changes and becomes more complex, you need an efficient solution to determine copyright violations and enforce copyright infringements.

Prevent your works from being used by pirates…

It is possible to prevent the exploitation of all of your works by internet pirates!

Net Protection s and blocks pirate websites  which publishes your work without your permission or license from search engines.

Content Removal Service

With the Anti-Piracy interface panel, we ensure scanning and detection of all websites which allows sharing or downloading video, music, mobile application file data which violates your copyright.


We all detected website URLs from Google Search Engine results and the contents.

Copyrighted material from which we remove content
  • Digital Media (Movies, Music, Series)
  • Mobile Applications
  • E-Books

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